Navigating the Era of Zero-Click Content: 3 Considerations for EDOs

It’s a constant uphill battle for digital marketers—just when you think you’ve figured one thing out, the game changes. Such is life with the latest headwind, zero-click content. What is it? Zero-click is highly engaging or standalone content that does not provide links or CTAs to take the audience elsewhere, such as featured snippets on search engines that give the user everything they need, or social posts that keeps users on-platform and scrolling their feeds rather than clicking to your website (think video or carousels).

Almost 65% of Google searches end without a click and the majority of social media platforms are prioritising native content. In some cases, they will actively penalise you for encouraging users to leave the platform by linking out. The consequence? Zero-click content emerges as a dominant force.

For marketers in economic development organizations (EDOs), this represents both a challenge and an opportunity. We will explore the rise of zero-click content and discuss three considerations for EDOs when forming your digital strategy and content.

Understand the impact on SEO and keywords

One of the key concerns for EDOs is how zero-click content affects search engine optimization (SEO), as search volumes are already lean for the types of topics an EDO can address. We don’t see this as too big a threat just yet on the topic of FDI, as most EDOs rank for content that is lower volume and, therefore, Google isn’t going to create zero-click options for many terms like this. Also, most of the topics require a more lengthy explanation that doesn’t easily fit into the limited space Google provides for featured snippets, for example. Volumes for talent-focused campaigns are higher, but remaining targeted and pursuing longer-tail keywords will help avoid the impacts.

Bigger picture, could zero-click actually be good for EDOs on search? Featured snippets and “people also ask” responses  are excellent opportunities to build credibility and pique the interest of an executive or talent when they see your URL. In the case of EDOs, the authority gained from achieving one of these search features combined with the lack of knowledge around what an EDO does is likely to prompt further interest. In our view, the zero-click trend is more likely to harm the website metrics of well-known brands where a user takes what they say at face value and doesn’t need to “click in” to explore what else they have to offer.

Do you want that authority and intrigue from zero-click on search? One way to do so is to try to rank for queries in other languages, where there’s less content for Google to index and an easier path to success. Of course, wanting it and getting it are two different things. How to rank for featured snippets and “people also ask” is a different topic (and one where C Studios can help).

Differentiate your content

With more content becoming available directly on search results pages and social media platforms, it’s more important than ever to create standout content that appeals to your audience. Social media users are increasingly drawn to visual content such as images and videos, and social media will boost them if they’re hosted in-app.

As we know, social media posts with images or videos generate higher engagement rates than those without. With this in mind, infographics can be particularly effective in communicating distilled messages quickly and concisely. Utilising LinkedIn’s carousel format is another option that will keep users engaged in-app as is creating short informational videos about your priority sectors without them having to visit your website (and will be appreciated by social media platform algorithms as well!).

Micro content is very popular right now and is a great fit for this – instead of 30 minutes webinars in the traditional sense, how about a series of 5-7 three-minute explanatory videos (pseudo mini-webinars that don’t require sign-ups) on LinkedIn for executives? Or a similar series of Instagram Reels for talent on what it’s like to live in your location?

Quick note: One way to avoid getting penalized is via posting links in the comments section rather than in the original post, which social platforms will recognize as zero-click. It’s an inconvenience for users, but can lead to more eyeballs at the end of the day.

Shift in focus of metrics

The most obvious impact of zero-click content is a decrease in website traffic, which is a primary KPI for most EDOs. There is also the challenge of the measurement of zero-click content and its impact. This calls for a shift in focus towards different metrics and a fresh perspective on their significance. Previously, metrics such as impressions, likes, and views were often dismissed as "vanity metrics" since they provided a sense of validation without truly indicating effectiveness.

However, in the evolving landscape, these numbers acquire a renewed significance by offering insights into the potential reach of our content, even if users do not click on it. These metrics will gain increasing importance in the future, particularly in the era of limited third-party cookie tracking. A popular term now is “dark social,” where the reach of social posts is far greater than the number of clicks, shares and comments being recorded.

As we said above, the more we figure things out, the more we don’t have it figured out, right? Be mindful that creating zero-click content can increase awareness, earn goodwill, and build authority and credibility for your organisation. It lays the foundation for future engagement and staying top of mind when audiences move to the next stage of the funnel. There’s value in that, so make sure not to dismiss even basic metrics so easily.


Zero-click content is changing the way that users interact with search engines and social media platforms. By understanding and leveraging it, you can position your organization for success, even in the face of ever-changing digital behaviour. As always, the key is to stay flexible and adaptable, ready to pivot your strategy in response to new developments in search and digital marketing.

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Tracy Vaughan

Project Manager, C Studios
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