What are the leading lifestyle factors in cross-border talent relocation?

There is no question that the influence of career aspirations weighs heavily on the talent relocation process. But what about quality of life and how does that impact relocation decisions?

In our latest What Talent Wants report of global talent preferences, when we asked about what triggers cross-border relocation, the response “to improve my standard of living from my previous location” ranks as the second leading trigger for moving across countries.

To better understand how that standard is measured, we asked respondents to rate the importance of 20 different lifestyle factors in their decision to relocate on a scale of 1 (not important) to 10 (very important). The feedback is pictured below.

Survey responses on what the leading lifestyle factors are in influencing relocation.

Top lifestyle factors when considering relocation.

The high ranking of safety/crime rates across all demographics suggests that personal security remains highly relevant in relocation decisions, influenced by intensifying perceptions of urban safety. Healthcare, cost of living and housing concerns are also rated highly given global challenges across each of those major areas. In total, the top 6 this year are the same as in 2023.

Not surprisingly, priorities vary in different age groups. Safety/crime is rated less of a concern by those in their 20s, while housing availability is a top choice among those in their 30s. Healthcare and safety are joint-top scores among those in their 50s.

Meanwhile, by geography, there is consistency across countries, although both Spain and UK showcases stronger affinities for healthcare and cost drivers. Switzerland respondents are less driven by cost of living while Nordic countries are less concerned by housing availability than others.

Get insights from more than 650 European talents about what “quality of life” means to them, what they prioritize in a job search and what influences where they move.

These data reinforce the trend observed in 2023 results: relocating talent prioritises practical quality-of-life factors over more lifestyle-oriented amenities when they are in the heart of their decision-making process. Safety, healthcare, housing, and cost of living consistently outrank factors like nightlife, cultural amenities, or a location’s “cool factor.”

How does location appeal impact career decisions?

Interestingly, when we asked about the specific job factors that influence whether or not to pursue new career opportunities, the concept of “place” came up again. Respondents rated the importance of 11 different job factors on a 10-point scale, and the usual suspects of salary and work/life balance finished first and second.

However, noteworthy is the “appeal of the location of a new job opportunity,” which tied for third. There has been a proliferation of government initiatives to support the attraction of international workers, often times in partnership with the private sector. Many of these initiatives are aimed at selling the lifestyle of a location while connecting interested candidates with open positions in occupations of need. In short, location matters.

Survey responses about the top factors when considering a new job.

Rating of factors when considering a new job opportunity.

In the end, people don’t just choose companies; they also choose destinations that can enrich their lives in very practical ways. Whether it is improving the standard of living, trying something new while working remotely, relocating to align with political or social beliefs, or having visited previously and choosing to move there, talent values the location where they move.

To help inform your talent attraction and retention activities, download a full copy of What Talent Wants: Capturing What Europe’s Workforce Seeks in Jobs & Locations.

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Steve Duncan

Managing Director, C Studios
Questions? Contact me at steve.duncan@c-studios.com


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